Opened Outage Report
loop issues
Status switched to 'Resolved'
2021-02-09 17:27 UTC codar finally was able to visit site after storms last week. Found transmit antenna down due to two of the guy lines having broken, potentially due to debris getting blown around or possibly bird talons. The breaks were almost like clean cuts, but not quite. The rest of the lines seems in good shape and I don't have any spare spools with me since they are getting ordered so I tied them back together got the antenna back up. VSWR was ~2.4, so I lowered the antenna and removed the tuning band from the coil and put antenna back up and VSWR is now ~1. Resistances and voltages on receive lines all check out, and SNR and NF seems okay on all 3 channels. Tx monitor now reads 38-40W out and 0-0.9W reflected. Handel
Status switched to 'Closed'